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Image by Felipe Vieira

When to harvest marijuana plants

Writer's picture: Jim JonesJim Jones

Updated: Oct 24, 2024

Knowing when to harvest marijuana can be one of the trickiest aspects of marijuana growing.

Too soon and your marijuana won’t be very potent. Too long and you end up with an overly narcotic effect and too strong of a taste.

It’s true, harvesting cannabis can be tricky! However, I’ll teach you some strategies for timing your harvest.

This guide explains the various methods for determining when the harvest is ready as well as what to expect during the harvest process.

How to harvest cannabis:

Keep reading to start learning.

When to harvest weed

There are three ways to determine the right time to harvest your cannabis plants.

By measuring flowering time, by looking at the pistils, and by looking at the trichome color. Read on to learn when to harvest your weed plants!

The basics of marijuana harvesting

Harvesting marijuana is a bit like harvesting grapes (or other fruits). The longer you wait, the more potent the grape and the stronger the alcohol. With marijuana, the longer you wait, the more cannabinoids there will be.

That means a stronger product.

See, after the flowering phase, your plant starts to die…

But, guess what?

There are many signs that will alert you of this upcoming event. Such as:

  1. The pistils turning red

  2. The stem broadening

  3. Resin on the buds browning and darkening

  4. Leaves starting to yellow and die

If your plant has flowered and you notice any of these symptoms, the chances are good that you are ready to harvest cannabis buds!

Pistils are turning red and the leaves are turning yellow Harvest time!

Pistils are turning red and the leaves are turning yellow

There are some basic guidelines for when to harvest cannabis plants, but there is some contention on the exact ‘best’ time. Just like with fruits or vegetables, it partly depends on your personal tastes.

Time it right

I can’t stress this enough. You must time your harvest cannabis plant correctly.

If you are feeling eager and harvest too early, the potency, as well as the yield, could be greatly reduced.

If you are too hesitant and wait until after the plants’ peak time, the potency decreases.

“Do not water your plants for one or two days before harvest. The soil should be fairly dry, but not so dry that the plants wilt.” ~ Jorge Cervantes

As soon as the flowering phase begins, start paying attention to the sun’s timing and strength as it correlates with the seasonal changes.

Then, keep a close eye on the details to determine when your plants are at their perfect harvesting time. When in doubt, be more patient.

Flowering phase - week 2

Flowering phase – week 2

More waiting, more resin

The one benefit to waiting until you near the point of the leaves turning brown is that the resin glands will contain more resin.

Some people don’t mind the harsher smoke since they bargain that they are receiving a stronger, more intense high.

This is a personal decision that gets easier after you learn more each harvest.

I’ve said it before:

Reduced light causes your marijuana plants to mature.

Depending on where you grew your marijuana plants, and whether they were started indoors and then replanted, the sun will be the most important predictor.

If you grow in an area with four distinct seasons, this change will be easier to see.

Another sign; one with a bit of latitude; is the color of the marijuana buds themselves.

It is a good idea to pick them at the first sign that they are losing their rich green color.

If they turn brown, (a sign that they’ve withered a bit), the buds will smoke more harshly.

Don’t try and predict your yield

There isn’t a black and white way of being able to know what your yield will be like ahead of time.

You can identify a few signs that will give you a basic idea of whether the yield will be really good, decent or poor.

All of the factors that you have already worried about (sunlight, water, and soil) will have an impact on your final yield.

You can guess at it a bit, though. For instance, if the plant is five feet tall, you should get a minimum of between two and six ounces of bud.

Taller and bushier plants will produce more, of course. If you wait until after the peak harvest, you can expect a significantly smaller yield.

Whether you are growing indoors or outdoors, harvesting your marijuana can be a daunting task for beginners. With this guide, you’re well on your way to harvesting cannabis buds with confidence.

Thanks for reading. Please leave comments or questions below and don’t forget to download my free 70-page guide, the Marijuana Grow Bible, if you want to learn more about growing this magnificent plant.

Harvesting cannabis based on flowering time

  1. Indica Strains – Harvest after 8 weeks of flowering

  2. Sativa Strains – Harvest after 10 weeks of flowering

  3. Autoflowers – 10 weeks from seedling to bud

Looking at your flowers is just one way to know if it is time to harvest weed. You can also simply time it based on the plant’s typical flowering time.

As a rule of thumb, all marijuana will be ready to harvest cannabis plants around the same time, with some variation based on the specific strain. You’ll need to know your strain to effectively use this method.

Browse our selection of feminized and autoflowering strains to find the perfect strain for you.

Successful marijuana growers do these two things before timing their harvest:

  1. Read the strain descriptions

  2. Read comments from other growers

If you purchased your seeds from a reputable source (like me) chances are someone else has already shared some ideas about when it is typically ready to harvest.

Now, of course, there are other variables that could impact when your harvest will be ready.

The specific conditions in your grow room, or outdoor climate also plays a role in the development of your plant.

To summarize:

There is no accurate way of deciding when it’s time to harvest cannabis buds. However, there are some guidelines that give you an idea of when it is time.

When to harvest Indica weed plants

If you are growing an indica plant, you can expect the flowering time to last about eight weeks before you can harvest. Outdoor growers can expect to harvest around the end of September.

Looking for inspiration? Girl Scout Cookies is a delicious Indica dominant strain. If you haven’t grown GSC yet, you really should!

When to harvest Sativa weed plants

For sativa plants, the flowering period lasts for about a month longer than indicas, meaning it will take about 12 weeks.

That being said, several haze strains will actually flower faster – more like 9 to 10 weeks long.

Read the strain-description before you order to be sure. Normally sativas will be ready for harvest at the end of October.

Need a fast sativa? Super Silver Haze can be harvested a bit sooner than most Sativas and can usually be cut and dried mid-October.

When to harvest autoflowers

Autoflowering marijuana strains don’t rely on lighting changes, so they are somewhat easier to predict based solely on time.

Once you see the first seedlings, you can expect auto-flowers harvest to be ready in 10 weeks.

While harvesting based on flowering time is not an exact science, it can be a good jumping-off point for figuring out when exactly to harvest your marijuana plants.

It also works well for planning ahead because you can see what your growing season will look like.

harvesting marijuana basted on the pistils

The right color of the pistils

Let the flowering period do its thing

When growing outdoors, you should be most concerned about the flowering period. It is, in fact, the most important part of choosing the correct harvest time.

Expect six to twelve buds per plant once their flowering phase begins due to decreased light.

It will start slow but then increase rapidly (like when you make popcorn).

As more buds appear, existing buds will also continue to grow.

Once you notice the rate of bud production decrease by a lot (like when the popping rate decreases in popcorn), the flowering phase is complete.

Flowering phase is complete

The flowering phase is complete

Expert outdoor growers look for these signs:

  1. Bud formation

  2. Followed by increasing bud formation

  3. Finished off by a sudden drop in bud formation

Mark your calendar for one week after the last day of the flowering period. That is when the plants have reached their growth potential.

Once again, the popcorn metaphor can be useful to explain what’s happening. If you leave the popper or microwave on for too long, the kernels will start to burn.

Even if some kernels remain unpopped, you turn off the microwave.

The same goes for marijuana plants. Although you might be missing out on a couple of new buds, letting it go for too long will have worse consequences in terms of the entire yield.

You never want to jeopardize the first few buds to get a couple more.

Over ripe buds

Although a longer flowering period may lead to a greater harvest, letting your plants flower longer doesn’t always lead to optimal results. You must time it correctly.

I can’t say this enough:

If you wait too long, you could experience an overpowering and unpleasant flavor.

You may also experience decreased effectiveness of the active ingredients – and yes, I mean THC!

The easiest way to keep from reaching that point is to pay attention to the pistil color. In fact, it is the most common approach.

Some growers harvest as soon as the pistils begin to turn red. Others wait until they are almost entirely red, and the resin is dark.

As I said earlier, you can examine the resin on your flowering plants to see if they are ready to harvest.

Under magnification, the glands will be enlarged and covered in resin when mature. They may also swell and look sort of deformed.

That’s exactly when you should harvest.

That resin will darken from transparent to opaque amber as it matures.

Harvest when the resin is still sticky and transparent.

Once that resin darkens and becomes more amber-hued, there’s not much time left before the plant’s active ingredients start to deteriorate.

Harvesting weed based on the pistils

Observing the pistils is the best and easiest method for deciding when to harvest.

Check a bud’s pistils to see what their coloring looks like. If they’re mostly white, it is too early to harvest.

If they’re all brown or red, you’ve missed the peak time – harvest right away before the quality of the marijuana lowers any further.

  1. 50-70% brown – young, light marijuana

  2. 70-90% brown – ripe, heavy marijuana

  3. 90-100% brown – sharp, heavy marijuana

Almost ready for harvest

Almost ready for harvest

If using this method, be precise. Here is a picture guide:

70-90% brown - ripe, heavy marijuana

0 – 49%

0-49% of the pistils are brown, it is not ready yet.

if 50-75% of the pistils are brown, the harvest time has come but it is still early, making it best for a lighter taste and mellower high. Waiting might be your best option

50 – 75%

50-75% of the pistils are brown. Harvest time has come, but it is still early. These will have a lighter taste and mellower high. Waiting might be your best option.

50-75% of the pistils are brown. Harvest time has come

70 – 90%

70-90% of the pistils are brown. You can harvest your marijuana plants because they are as strong and heavy as they ever will be.

When 90-100% of the pistils brown you’re almost too late for harvest

90 – 100%

When 90-100% of the pistils brown you’re almost too late for harvest. The taste will be heavy, and the effect will be narcotic. Harvest right away and don’t wait any longer

Can I harvest cannabis with white hairs?

The “hairs” around the pistils don’t tell you when to harvest. You need to look at either the pistils or trichomes.

It can be hard to wait once those pistils start changing, but trust me, it’s for the best.

Here’s the deal:

Once those pistils are ⅔ brown or a bit more, you can safely harvest.

Not sure if you prefer 70% or 90%?

Experiment and find out. Some new growers harvest their plants at different times so they can figure out exactly when is best for their personal preferences.

If you’ve ever wondered, “can I harvest with white pistils,” the answer is yes.

Some people prefer earlier harvested marijuana as it has more uplifting and lighter effects; while others prefer theirs as potent as possible.

Red or brown pistils

Red or brown pistils


When you harvest affects the quality of the resulting buds. Now, what you consider to be high-quality comes down to personal taste.

You’ll have to decide. One of the best things about growing marijuana is being able to control this incredibly powerful variable.

Harvesting weed based on trichomes

If the pistil method doesn’t work and you have one of the magnification tools mentioned above, you could look at the trichomes to determine if you are ready for harvest.

This method is actually considered the most accurate, so it’s a good idea to know what you are looking for.

  1. Clear trichomes – wait a bit longer

  2. Milky white/amber trichomes – ready for harvest

  3. All Amber trichomes – overripe

Clear trichomes

Clear trichomes

The concept is simple: look at the trichomes on your plants’ buds. Trichomes grow on the buds and look like little mushrooms since they have a little ball on top.

Some of those trichomes are resin glands. They will have a crystalline structure or appear frosty as they grow on the leaves and buds of your plants.

Why does this matter?

Trichomes are responsible for the stickiness of weed. They are also where much of the THC and other fun chemicals are housed.

When we harvest based on trichomes, we are determining when those trichomes are at their highest THC level. This is difficult to see with the naked eye.

Status of trichomes

Pictures trichomes ready to harvest

So, when do you know that the trichomes are ready? You need to compare them based on these guidelines:

Clear trichomes

This is definitely not the time to harvest. If the trichomes are clear, they won’t be potent enough for harvest, and your final yield will suffer.

Wait until nearly half of the hairs are dark in color and not sticking out so straight.

Half clear, half cloudy trichomes

It is still too soon to harvest. The buds haven’t reached their full potential, although they will still produce a high if harvested now.

This type of high will most likely be more energetic or “speedy.” You’ll get a stronger odor and flavor if you wait, however.

Mostly cloudy trichomes

Congratulations, you have reached the perfect time for harvesting your buds!

This is when they have the highest levels of THC; so, if you want to maximize your yield, you must act fast.

You’ll know your plants have reached this stage when 50 to 70 percent of the hairs are no longer white.

I can’t say this enough:

Harvesting now is ideal. This is when your plants are their most potent.

As a result, the high that comes from buds harvested at this time will provide some serious euphoria and pain relief. It will be the most “intense” high you can get.

Amber trichomes

If your plants have made it this far, it is a bit after the absolute peak time for the greatest amount of potency.

However, this is only because the buds have slightly less THC and more CBN.

If you are looking for a more relaxing, anxiety-reducing high, this could actually be the perfect time to harvest.

A high from marijuana harvested at this time will be more narcotic and often result in a “couchlock” effect.

You’ve reached this stage when 70 to 90 percent of the hairs have darkened.

Learn more about trichomes in the article “What are marijuana trichomes


In terms of the ideal time, try experimenting with harvesting slightly earlier or later to reach your desired results.

Harvest a few buds during their peak harvesting time and save some to harvest once they’ve matured a bit more. That way, you have a variety of options.

One important reminder:

Remember to label everything! You don’t want to end up extremely relaxed when you were looking for a more energetic high.

Looking at cannabis trichomes

A magnifying tool is the best way to see if your plants are ready for harvest.

How do you know it’s time?

Look for glistening, resin-filled trichomes on your buds, like the ones in the photo below.

Magnifying tools for harvesting

Magnifying glass for harvesting

With the right magnifying tools you can clearly see these details.

There are a few magnifying glass options to choose from:

Jewelers loupe

Perfect for those on a budget, this low-tech tool is the least helpful. However, it’s still good enough to provide somewhat of a gauge.

Handheld magnifier

This option steps it up, but it can be cumbersome to use. You’ll really need to get the focus right to view those trichomes.

Trichomes under a microscope

Although expensive, this is the best option, as it will give you a clear answer as to rather your plants are ready to harvest.

The main downside is that you’ll need a laptop to see the results. If you go this route, you’ll definitely need to read the instructions.

Bud under a digital microscope

Bud under a digital microscope

Keep in mind, all of these options will get the job done, but only if you know how to use them properly.

Outdoor marijuana plant harvesting

Harvesting outdoors is just like harvesting indoors, except that not planning it carefully would be a serious mistake.

In addition to understanding the basics of harvesting, you also need to understand the seasons, watch the sun, and think about your personal security.

All those variables sure make outdoor harvest time rewarding.

If you grow cannabis outdoors, you will soon find that fall is your favorite time of year.

The sun is your guide

As an outdoor grower, you’ve monitored the sun throughout your cannabis plants’ life.

Watching the sun is key to measuring how much energy the plant receives and for how long.

The sun is the most consistent and important element of any kind of gardening.

Fundamental for your plant, the sun!

Fundamental for your plant, the sun!

The sun’s role is as important at the end of your plants’ life as it was in the beginning.

Once summer comes to a close, start keeping track of the sun (if you haven’t already).

You’ll need to pay attention to the amount of light it is providing to your cannabis plants.

The seasons will let you know

In the northern hemisphere, there could be 15 hours of continuous sunshine around the 21st of June.

When August becomes September, the amount of sunlight decreases dramatically.

For instance, in September you could lose as much as 90 minutes of sunlight per day.

This rapid loss in daylight is exactly what causes your marijuana plants to change their energy focus to flowering instead of vegetation.

This strong reaction is no accident; all plants have the strong ability to distinguish day from night.

So, when summer becomes fall, and there are only 12 or 13 hours of daylight per day, the flowering process initiates within days.

How do you know how much sunlight you’ll get?

The best way is with a grow calendar.

Once you know when your plants will flower based on the sun, it’s easy to plan for your harvest.

Light exposure can impact your harvest

Although the amount of sun that your plants receive is easy to measure, it’s not as easy to monitor the darkness.

That is because marijuana is sensitive to all types of light – even artificial lights. In some cases, it will react to light pollution in the same way it would natural sunlight.

In the case of indoor growing, this is a good thing, because you can manipulate your plants to produce buds exactly when you want them to.

However, for outdoor growing, it means ensuring your plants do not receive uncontrolled artificial lights.

This is why you never plant marijuana near street lights or any other form of artificial light.

Your plants need properly dark nights like they would experience in nature during the fall. If they do not receive enough darkness, flowering could be delayed.

Signs you are ready to harvest cannabis outdoors

Whether you are growing indoors or outdoors, your plant will provide some signs that it is ready for harvesting.

In addition to looking at trichomes and pistils, you should also consider the weather. Ideally, you’d want to harvest outdoors on a dry, calm day.

No one really enjoys harvesting in the rain.

In terms of your plant, pay attention to the leaves and buds. The physical characteristics of the plant will change considerably, letting you know it’s time.

The larger leaves will turn a yellow-brown color signifying the slow death of your marijuana plant.

The stigmas of mature plants will wither at the base of the buds while remaining a healthy white color on top.

The yellow-brown color leaves shows it's time to harvest

The yellow-brown color leaves shows it’s time to harvest

Harvesting outdoors vs sunlight

If you aren’t using autoflowers, multiple harvests can be triggered using light manipulation.

It doesn’t take much either; simply shining a light on the entire plant a few hours at night with a flashlight will work.

Light manipulation with LED

Light manipulation with LED

If you have successfully interrupted the period of darkness normally required for the flowering stage, you can start it back up again once you have more buds.

When you want the plants to begin their second flowering phase, simply stop interrupting the darkness with your light.

Keep in mind that flowering takes a couple weeks, so don’t keep the plants in their vegetative phase for too long.

For instance, if the first frost or colder weather will be there within two weeks, then you should have already started up the flowering process three weeks prior.

The equinox and weed plants

Want a quick date to base your final harvest on?

How about the September Equinox?

It’s not a clear rule, however, so don’t blindly harvest on this day.

You’ll still need to look for other signs. The equinox does provide a good date to stop watering, though.

Expert tip:

Start your regular watering schedule a few weeks before the September Equinox.

As the date gets closer, look for differences on your cannabis plants. It might mean they are ready for the harvest. Flowering should stop soon as well.

The light vs dark factor

Marijuana plants will not typically flower unless they receive at least 12 hours of darkness a day. Indoor cannabis growers can harvest more often because they control the light.

12h light vs 12h darkness for flowering marijuana

12h light vs 12h darkness for flowering marijuana

The trade-off for the outdoor grower is receiving more in less frequent harvests.

That does not mean that outdoor growers cannot manipulate the light, however…

If you only have a few marijuana plants, it is sometimes possible to cover them completely and induce harvesting, through a process called light-deprivation.

However, this advanced technique isn’t used by every outdoor grower,

Bigger plants need more light for bigger cannabis buds

The light and darkness factor works both ways. Some growers will actually shine very bright lights, like halogens, on their marijuana plants during the night to reset the internal clock.

This is useful if you want your plants to grow in size and not begin flowering.

In Australia, some Sativa varieties can grow to 16 feet with internodes around 3 to 4 inches in variety.

Obviously, a plant of that size will produce a huge harvest but getting it that size requires a year-round growing season.

Here’s the thing:

A marijuana plant will keep growing big if it has enough sunlight.

All the grower needs to do is prevent the plant from flowering until it reaches the desired size.

Harvest in good weather

Make sure your harvest outdoor is done a safe amount of time before the first frost has a chance to damage your plants.

It is best to harvest on a beautiful fall day with clear skies and lots of sun. Don’t overthink this, however, as harvesting in the rain won’t be the end of the world.

Rain will increase the drying time only by a fraction, and it will have no effect on the buds and resin glands. Don’t relax until you’re home safely with all of your plants.

Once you have accomplished this, you will have very little to worry about from that point on.

Harvest twice per year with autoflowers

You can harvest twice in one growing season.

Some cannabis growers, like those in many parts of Australia, Hawaii, and the southern parts of North America, often do this.

They can naturally harvest twice per year because the sun provides plenty of light all year long.

In these places, marijuana plants grow large, and flower as if to reproduce naturally and then begin again.

But since they are already quite large, and have plenty of leaves to catch the sunlight, the second harvest occurs in much less time than did the first.

For everyone else, however, plan on removing your marijuana plants by the end of summer, before the onset of the first frost.

You can do two outdoor harvests with autoflowering plants

Living in an area with plenty of light isn’t the only way to have multiple harvests. You can also try buying autoflowering marijuana seeds.

These seeds will produce plants that are ready to harvest in only 10 weeks, when is plenty of time to harvest two times in most climates.

Outdoor autoflowers cannabis

Outdoor autoflowers cannabis

However, that’s only part of it:

Growing autoflowers doesn’t automatically mean you can harvest outdoors twice in one season.

You’ll also need to follow some specific techniques and live in an area that can support two harvests.

In other words, your success depends both on how well you perform these techniques, as well as where you live.

In northern climates, where cannabis plants are vulnerable to an early frost or other seasonal changes, a second harvest will not be easy.

But in more temperate zones where early fall is fairly mild, you might be able to successfully harvest more than once during the growing season. It all depends on your technique.

You can’t harvest plants normally once and then later decide you want to try a second harvest.

You must plan this. The process of harvesting multiple times in one year starts before the first harvest.

To stimulate a second harvest, start by removing the mature buds, leaving the tiny ones and most of the leaves intact to continue growing.

Then resume the growth cycle by adding lots of water and some fresh fertilizer.

Want a great strain to try? Blueberry is, with good reason, one of our bestselling autoflowers It’s purple color, and fruity taste are hard to resist. Get some Blueberry seeds for your next grow.

When you add water and nutrients, you are triggering your cannabis plants back into their flowering phase so that they produce more buds that you can harvest.

If you leave most of the leaves, you will have a higher chance of activating the second flowering phase since they are what absorbs the sunlight that the plants need for growing energy.

Here’s the thing:

This only works in certain climates.

If the timing and intensity of the sunlight have already changed, the plants would already be in their flowering phase.

If you are living in a place that has mild temperatures throughout the beginning of fall (such as in tropical climates), then you should be able to continue your plants’ vegetative phase even longer.

Harvest security

Knowing when to harvest is one challenge, but you also need to think about security.

Overlooking your personal security is as bad as timing your harvest incorrectly.

You must remember this one fact:

The harvest period is the most dangerous time for a marijuana grower. Many things could go wrong such as:

  1. Authorities discovering your grow before you harvest

  2. Thieves stealing your plants once they mature

  3. Authorities waiting to catch you in the act

In terms of the authorities, it’s very hard to deny the fact that you own the plants if you are caught in the act of removing them.

Therefore, you need to be extra cautious the days before and on the day itself. Don’t inform a single person that you are about to harvest, and on the actual harvesting day you should be extra careful about telling people where you are.

Security is importent while you harvest

Security is importent while you harvest

Before the harvest:

Up until harvest time, security is mainly a matter of diverting unwanted attention away from your marijuana plants.

All of this changes as the flowering period ebbs, because now you must concern yourself with your actual yield.

In this situation, cannabis growers have been known to resort to some very elaborate and even over-the-top means to protect their buds from prying eyes.

Near harvest:

When it gets close to harvest time, you must keep an eye on your plants.

Some growers sleep near their” babies” the days immediately leading up to the harvest. Others set up a tripwire that rings a bell if anyone approaches.

If their site is close to a home, they might keep a dog that barks a lot outside all night.

Other growers take an even more proactive approach by watching known entrance routes like a hawk.

It should be no surprise that growers may be irritable, cranky, and extra paranoid at this time.

However, with a year’s supply (or often, even more) of cannabis at stake, can you really blame them?

In addition to securing your route, you also want to think about how you will transport your harvested plants.

You could try putting the plants in sealed bags to help mask the smell. You should also consider having a friend go first, to ensure the route is clear.

The best piece of advice that I can offer outdoor growers is this:

Have your drying room ready to go before you harvest your plants so you can safely begin to dry them as soon as you get there.

Stay vigilant!

You want to be careful whenever you are growing outdoors, but it is especially important to do so during the harvest.

Chances are your grow was discovered way earlier in the season and someone is merely waiting for them to finish flowering.

It is not unusual for marijuana plants to be staked out by potential thieves who are waiting for them to grow big buds so they can reap the benefits of your time and effort.

Police taking cannabis from grow site

Police taking cannabis from grow site

The police could have detected your grow weeks ago and are waiting for you to walk into a trap that you have unwittingly set.

When you show up at your site with shears, bags, and a backpack, it is hard to claim ignorance.

Save yourself some serious trouble by:

  1. Picking a secure site

  2. Walking away if you sense anything unusual

If you suspect that something is wrong, don’t ignore that. Instead, relax and walk away. After all, it’s just marijuana; it is not worth going to jail or getting into a fight about.

Prepare yourself to harvest

Prepare for the upcoming harvest

How to harvest

Once flowering begins, it’s time to start planning your harvest.

Let’s be honest, you’ve probably been looking forward to this time for months.

You have managed to keep your plants happy, healthy, and secure during the whole season, and now you can reward yourself with a high yield and a good harvest.

Just like with any other step in the process of growing marijuana, there are some tricks to harvesting outdoors successfully. You do not want to ruin everything due to a silly mistake.

Keep an eye out for the signs, so that you can avoid potential mistakes.

The last thing you want is a complete failure after getting through an entire growing season.


Especially indoors, you want to make sure to flush your plants around two weeks before you cut them.

Flushing cannabis plants helps flush out the plant nutrients and cleans the end product from any fertilizer residue.

Here’s my guide about flushing cannabis.


When growing outdoors, once you’re close to harvest time, start planning how you will approach it. Be ready with answers to these questions:

  1. Do you have enough time and security to cut the plants on-site?

  2. Will you need move the entire plant?

  3. How will you transport your cuttings or plants?

These logistical questions will make a huge difference when it comes to harvest security.

Start by bringing sealable bags. If you bring something like ziplock bags, make sure to bring a darker bag too, because ziplocks are transparent. (These bags are not transparent and are odor free).

Cut your plants into lengths that are easily transported. For example, cut the stalks, so they fit into your bags.

Make sure you are not spending too much time at your site when harvesting; be efficient and fast.

Just remember: all that matters is the removal and safe transport of your plants; however you do that is up to you.

Take your plant you are going to harvest

Take your plant you are going to harvest

Buds are complete, time to harvest

Buds are complete, time to harvest

Cut the plant

Cut the plant

Safe transport will be easy now

Safe transport will be easy now

Indoors, start by removing the lamps from your grow room. Then, hang some wire from the ceiling in its place. You’ll need it for your plants.

Expert growers have these supplies on hand:

  1. Heavy duty shears or scissors

  2. Isopropyl alcohol

  3. Gloves

You’ll need those shears for cutting through thick plant matter. The alcohol is for cleaning your tools and hands, as resin can be quite sticky.

You’re best off wearing gloves for the cutting process, as it can get quite messy.

Cutting the plants themselves seems straightforward, but there are some things to consider.

Read my tips for cutting weed.


Carefully cut the plant at its base, then secure it (upside-down) from the wire you just hung.

Once you cut your plants and hang them, the next step is drying out all of the excess moisture.

It needs to evaporate from the plant matter while the chlorophyll in the plant breaks down.

Turn on a fan and aim it right beneath the buds, keeping the humidity around 45% and the cannabis plant’s temperature around 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure the room is dark, and the extractor fan is running.

You don’t want to dry the plants too quickly because it will cause some chlorophyll to remain, which negatively alters the taste of your weed.

That is why you keep the room dark and the temperature moderate.

You can expect the drying process to last somewhere between 10 and 14 days.

Keep a close eye on your plants while they dry. Make sure no mold is growing or developing.

(That’s why you keep the humidity low). Maintain the temperature as well.

Hang some wire from the ceiling

Hang some wire from the ceiling

Add your plants you just cut

Hang the plants you just cut

Dry for 10 and 14 days

Dry for 10 and 14 days


Once your plants are appropriately dried (or wet, if you prefer wet-trimming), it’s time to separate those beautiful nugs from the stalks and clean them up!

Read my guidelines for the best way to handle trimming weed.


Now that the buds are trimmed, they still need to settle down over the course of the next few weeks.

Giving those fresh nugs some daily time to breathe will remove the grassy taste, increase its potency, and make them allround delicious!

Jump into my post on curing weed


You will want to keep your yield nice and fresh so you can enjoy it all year-’round!

Keep reading my blog for tips to keep your weed fresh!

Ready for your next grow? Get all of the latest and best strains in my seedbank now!

Happy growing!


Frequently asked questions

How do you know how much sun to expect?

An almanac has this type of information. You can also find it online. If you’d like something specific to cannabis, try my Grow Calendar.

Is there an optimal time to harvest your plants?

For the optimal amounts of THC, it’s best the harvest before the sun has reached its peak. For some, that means dawn, while others prefer to harvest at night.

How soon before harvesting should you flush your plants?

You should flush your plants about two weeks before the end of the flowering stage. For more on the flowering stage, read this article.

What do I do with my harvested plants?

After the harvest, you should immediately dry your plants, so they don’t go bad. For long term storage, cure your harvest. To learn how to dry and cure, read this article.

Do indoor growers need to be concerned about security?

In many places, it is legal to grow marijuana. Where it isn’t, indoor growers should use discretion. Plus, thieves steal whether it’s legal or not. For tips on creating a secure indoor grow room read this article.


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