Despite the growing number of people choosing cannabis over pills, the stereotypical stoner of Reefer Madness infamy continues to dominate our culture. This is in stark contrast to the double standard where alcohol is a socially acceptable means to unwind and deal with stress. Having a glass of wine doesn’t automatically make someone an alcoholic nor does using cannabis makes someone a stoner.

Happy family mother and daughter playing at home in a tent
Moms and Cannabis
Moms already face unrealistic expectations, and their choice to use cannabis is just another activity for which they’re judged. Like most superheroes, Mom’s priority is everyone but herself, and anyone who suffers from depression, anxiety, PTSD or chronic pain knows how debilitating it can be.
Using cannabis is a way for Mom to deal with her own physical and mental health on top of everything else she does. The side effects of opioids, including dizziness, nausea, constipation, and vomiting are too debilitating for normal everyday activities. Pills aren’t always an option, especially when cannabis is a more effective, less detrimental, and legal alternative. For moms like Annamarie, a video blogger and a Palliative Care Nurse who suffers from chronic pain, cannabis helps her to be the best version of herself for her husband, son, and patients.
Another mom, Mandie Leblanc uses cannabis to help her relax and shut down the negative thoughts of past childhood trauma while trying to navigate being a new mom. “Seventeen years later, cannabis helps me be a better mom each and every day because it allows me to live outside my head, it allows me to live in the moment and cherish them with my children.”
Missy Lindstrom, Mom Founder of The Smoke Hut Cafe says “Life can be stressful, and raising minis isn’t always a picnic. We love them but sometimes “rounding” off life’s edges is necessary. I feel like I’m a better listener and much much more patient with my children. It’s much easier to let go of “adult Missy” for a bit and find my inner child. It gets pretty goofy at times.” Missy is not alone, the “silly factor of cannabis” is a common theme among moms.
Mom’s top priority is her kids and for many, cannabis helps them navigate life with grace and heart. It’s part of a holistic lifestyle that she incorporates into her daily living from the infused honey she puts in her tea and the oil she takes before bed to the discrete puffs on her vaporizer when the pain is too much to bear.
Knowledge Is Power
As with any sensitive parent-kid talk, empowering children with knowledge can make for some awkward moments. Jessica Bell, Mom and Founder of the Manna Project uses cannabis to manage her chronic back pain and sometimes when life gets tricky, her nine-year-old daughter will let her know when she thinks it’s time for [Mom’s cannabis] break.
Kids will say the darknets things and with the best intentions, staying calm and present with her kids during these misplaced moments is key to successful parenting.
The ability to let go and relax is what cannabis is best known for. Without a doubt, cannabis helps Mom be a better parent and continue to build a loving relationship with her kids. Cannabis has a way of lightening things up and turning the more mundane moments of parenting into something with sparkle.
Sherry Desjardins, mom of a nonverbal, autistic daughter and full-time student suffered more from the side effects of her prescribed pills than her PSTD. Making the switch to cannabis was life-changing and it informed her decision to legally treat her daughter with cannabis. “I would rather my daughter be “high” and happy than a pilled-up little zombie just existing.”
“I would rather my daughter be “high” and happy, then a pilled-up little zombie just existing.”
Cannabis as a Lifestyle Choice
Cannabis, in many cases, contributes to an improved quality of life more so than pharmaceuticals.
Cannabis is a lifestyle choice that gives people control over their health rather than the other way around. As such, cannabis is normalized in these families and their children are keenly aware of its purpose. They understand that cannabis is a medicine and why mom (or dad) uses it.