This week we’re profiling Jessica Fung, the blogger behind Blunt B.A.E. a site dedicated to creative content that addresses a multitude of topics relating to cannabis culture. Fung’s work focuses on community building and the destigmatization of the cannabis plant.
With a background in fashion, Fung’s take on cannabis content is beautiful and engaging. She works hard to be a positive advocate for the community, particularly for Asian Canadians. Lately, she’s been participating in the Canndora Connect event series sharing her thoughts on working in Cannabis and helping to inspire other creatives.
At The Herb Lifestyle, we’ve been a fan for some time and we hope you check out her work and show her some love.
Follow her: Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook Page

How Did You Get Involved in the Cannabis Industry?
Before Blunt B.A.E. I actually never thought I would start working in the cannabis industry because my academic training was in fashion and apparel. Blunt B.A.E. began as a school project and it was a total accident that through my research for the project, I realized there was a demand in the market for cannabis accessories that was marketed towards women. As I spoke with more female cannabis consumers, the response was very positive, I received a lot of encouragement to bring this school assignment to life. At the time, I laughed it off and thought they were crazy! And I remember jokingly responding to one of my friends “If I get an ‘A’ on the assignment, then I’ll actually pursue it…”. Needless to say, I got an ‘A’ on that assignment and haven’t looked back since.
Tell Us a Little Bit About Your Product or Service
Blunt B.A.E. is a lifestyle blog that focuses its content on the destigmatization of cannabis and its culture while also addressing diversity in the cannabis space, especially for Asian Canadians. I wanted to utilize the online space for Blunt B.A.E. to normalize the consumption of cannabis and to educate and streamline conversations about the benefits of cannabis, along with sharing my journey since coming out of my own ‘cannabis closet’.
What Time Does Your Day Typically Start and What Does a Normal Day Look Like to You?
My day-to-day is always different which is why I love what I do, but I usually wake up every morning between 7:30-9 A.M., I am a Panda so I love my sleep. My day always starts with a coffee and a quick dog walk. I would start my work around 10:30 A.M. with emails and browsing Instagram and Twitter to see what’s going on in the cannabis community. Afterward, it always varies between blogging, photography, podcasting, and any other form of content creation or meetings/calls with anyone that will give me 5 minutes of their time!

What Is Your Vision for Your Company Going Forward?
Going forward, I want to branch out into other content creation platforms like videography and podcasting to continue sharing stories of cannabis culture and consumption besides my own. I also have plans to develop a line of products in the Blunt B.A.E. name and hosting events that will contribute to building a diverse community for female consumers. So keep your eyes up!
What Would an Ideal Post-prohibition Society Look Like to You?
An ideal post-prohibition society would be a place where kindness and acceptance would be practiced before judgments. It’s so crazy to know that a big part of personal discernment with cannabis is largely based on judgments and the fear of the unknown. Although it’s a stretch, I do hope that my children will grow up knowing that they will be given the choice to choose for themselves how they feel about the flower.
What Was Your First Experience With Cannabis Like?
I smoked my first joint in Amsterdam when I was 23 years old. I had the whole thing planned out to a ’T’ and I ‘saved myself’ to consume cannabis for the first time ever, legally. It was amazing, the budtender was super friendly and helpful and I probably didn’t smoke the joint properly, but I was very happy with the chill vibes of the coffee shop that I was in. Definitely an unforgettable experience and a great story to tell!
Tell Us About Some of the Challenges You Face Working in the Cannabis Industry
Challenges are what makes life interesting but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to deal with. My biggest challenge is definitely fighting my own imposter syndrome, it’s incredible how harsh I can be to myself. Coming into the cannabis industry has been the most fulfilling decision I have made but when I initially started, my self-doubt and insecurities definitely kept me from taking the leap and inviting myself into the space. It’s also been hard to believe in my own skills and trust that I can bring something very unique and incredible into the industry.
What Are Some Solutions You’ve Found?
It’s an uphill battle every day but I’ve learned a lot since starting to work for myself and to develop my own voice and brand along the way. Even though it hasn’t been a long time yet, I know that if I put my mind to it I’m sure I can do it. I’m still figuring this out and I have loads to learn which is what makes it exciting and daunting all at the same time!

What Is One Thing You Wish Everyone Knew About Cannabis?
One thing I wish everyone knew, would be the meaning behind the term ‘recreational consumption’ and its misconceptions relating to cannabis. There is so much misunderstanding about why people need recreational legalization, and it’s not for the purpose of getting high and partying.
What Is One Thing You Wish Everyone Knew About Your Product or Service?
One thing I wish everyone knew about my work is there’s still a lot to figure out, it’s still relatively new and I’m still trying to figure out how to build the connection between content creation and cannabis. It’s not going to be an overnight success, but I’m in it to win it!
If You Could Go Back in Time and Do It All Over Again, What (If Anything) Would You Do Differently?
I don’t ever want to go back in time. I am here at this very moment because of all the things I have done and worked for and there’s no reason for me to regret or redo anything. I’m a firm believer that there is only a forward and never aback. Although, I do wish that I could have found my calling a tad earlier but still, have no regrets.
What Is Your Favorite Way to Consume Cannabis?
My favorite way to consume cannabis is definitely with a joint, there’s just something very classic about a good old rolled J. But I’m still very new to the cannabis game, so I may fall in love with another method very soon, who knows?!
Concentrate or Flower? Why?
Flower, only because I haven’t tried concentrates yet!
I think cannabis legalization will change the world for the better because it gives people the power to take control of their health and well-being. Although we have a long way to go before it becomes more streamlined, legalization is definitely the first step and Canada being on the forefront of this is going to build a playbook for the rest of the world to follow.
What Advice Would You Offer to Another Woman Who Is Looking To Get Into the Industry?
If you’re looking into getting into this industry then now would be the time, don’t wait! It’s a great time and space to get started in and by far the most welcoming and diverse industry that has so much to offer. Be passionate about your story and your voice and build a brand that is unique to that story. The best thing about this industry is the demand for authenticity and community building, so be sure that you want to contribute to this community with an authentic brand, story, and voice.